사용자 계정 컨트롤 오류:
UAC(사용자 계정 컨트롤)에서 사용자 인증에 실패했읍니다.
오류코드가 0x800401E4입니다.
설명: 잘못된 구문입니다. >

** Error Codes list for Microsoft technologies (MS 전체 error 코드): http://windowbox.tistory.com/235

오류코드 0x800401E4 원인 진단 및 해결 방법(REGCURE PRO: 유료 프로그램) :



repair stop error 0x800401E4 (download) :




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Fix System Error 0x800401E4


Notice: Microsoft Error 0x800401E4 happens when your Software Registry is corrupt, system files get damaged from various causes. This is a common problem with computers that don’t get maintained regularly. Eventually the system becomes overloaded with problems and begins to crash displaying System Errors.


Debugging and error handling.
Support for profiling the performance of your apps.
Support for troubleshooting and error reporting.
System monitoring and event notification.
Network monitoring and diagnostics.
Assessment of system state.
Recommended Solution: We recommend you download our system configuration tool. It is designed to diagnose problems on your computer and fix them in just a few minutes with only a few mouse clicks.


Download 0x800401E4 System Tool

File Size: 8 MB Compatible: Windows XP/Vista/7/8 (x32/x64-BIT)

File Size: 8 MB Compatible: Windows XP/Vista/7/8 (32/64-BIT)
Instructions to diagnose and fix Windows Errors problems:

Please follow the following 3 steps to diagnose and fix your problem:

STEP 1: Download Windows 0x800401E4 Repair Tool and Install 
STEP 2: Open the Tool, and click the “SCAN” button
STEP 3: Click the “FIX” Button to Fix the Problems

Note: With all the new additional features now included in the repair tool, you will be able to optimize your system to run even faster and stable. It’s not unusual to see an increase of 95%+ in performance.

Operating System Compatibility:Windows XP/Vista/7 / 8 (32/64BIT)
Download Size: 8 MB
Version 2014
Pro Support: Yes


System Error Codes (0-499)
System Error Codes (500-999)
System Error Codes (1000-1299)
System Error Codes (1300-1699)
System Error Codes (1700-3999)
System Error Codes (4000-5999)
System Error Codes (6000-8199)
System Error Codes (8200-8999)
System Error Codes (9000-11999)
System Error Codes (12000-15999)

Sometimes the code is returned by a function deep in the stack and far removed from your code that is handling the error.

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